martes, 16 de junio de 2009

History and Economic Impact of American Fast Food in Chile by Javier Poblete

Most of American fast-food companies arrived approximately 20 years ago in our country, concentrating 180 US$ millions per year. Among these very highly competitive markets, the most outstanding and famous both in Chile and in the rest of the world is McDonald’s.

McDonald’s was the first one to arrive in 1990, establishing their first restaurant in Santiago, in the Kennedy Avenue, the one that still exists until today. Three years later, McDonalds opened six more restaurants in Santiago. Then in 1995, with the success in the community, they decided to also open new restaurants among all the country, starting in Viña del Mar and Rancagua, which also were a great accomplishment. This powerful and multinational chain in Chile is concentrating almost 45% of this market, and making more than three thousands new jobs, where young people can start working but also develop a carrier inside, where almost all of the managers start working in this very place. McDonalds also help the community, having the Ronald McDonald’s foundation, and giving scholarships to their outstanding employees witch participates in different types of events such as arts or sports competition.

The direct competitions for these hamburgers are the also famous Burger King’s hamburgers. This company arrived in 1994, with a strong investment of 25 US$ millions. As McDonalds, Burger King also starts in Santiago, but today they have restaurants all along the country, with a total of 24 restaurants.

But the fast foods are not only hamburgers; we can also find other kind of foods, such as chicken, tacos, or pizzas. The most important company in this last item is Pizza Hut (that is also united with Taco Bell). Maybe the fame and the privilege that this fast-food has was the reason why we all enjoy it when we met!

The history of Pizza hut began in 1958, and now is the world's largest pizza franchise. It arrived to Chile also in last decade, with a single “hut”, but today they are less than a hundred in all the country. Today the Pizza hut company is part of the Pepsi Empire.




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