Usually, when we think about U.S.A., we associate their food to fast food, and greasy stuff. The truth is, there is much more to american food than we know.
We can trace back their food history to when Native Americans, but then changed with the European colonization. Now, it also has the influence from immigrants.
Corn, also named Maize, has also been used since Native Americans ate them as a basic element for their diet. Now, it is served as a salad or accompanying any food. One type of cooking is as Mush, which is like a cornmeal pudding. It can algo be used to do cornbread, typical in the southern part of the United States.
They also use it as flour, or to do Pop Corn, or Corn Flakes for breakfast.
The sweet potato has been a common ingredient, used typically on Thanksgiving, because Native Americans ate them. It is baked or cooked, and served usually with a sweet sauce. You can also eat them fried.
American’s regular diet has included meat, such as turkey or diverse land animals, such as seafood.
Seafood varies depending to which part of the coast you are. In the east coast, there is soft shell crab or surf clam, flounder, halibut, sturgeon, etc. While in the west Coast there’s abalone and geoduck, olachen.
Common Dishes
Although nowadays United States food is mostly regional, where every state or areas have their traditional food, there are dishes that you can find all around the U.S.A.
Hamburgers and French Fries: Now regulars to the fast food chains.
Hot Dogs
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